Jersey gives aircraft registry 18 months more to take off
JERSEY is considering scrapping its aircraft registry.

The island established its own registry having split from a joint CI model with Guernsey at the last minute.
The Guernsey model was launched in 2013 and despite having had some issues, has run with reasonable success ever since.
It is managed by third-party provider the Netherlands-based specialist firm SGI Aviation, which pays a royalty on fees to the States.
The Jersey model, in contrast, seems to have never really got off the ground after having cost nearly £1m. to establish.
Run directly by its States, it was agreed in 2019, following a noted lack of success, to outsource to a third party.
But Ports of Jersey is now again responsible for the project after a selected provider withdrew.
There are three active registrations on the Jersey register – Guernsey’s passed 500 in 2019.
The Isle of Man also runs a successful aircraft registry.
Deputy Kirsten Morel, an assistant minister at Economic Development in Jersey, told a Scrutiny Committee hearing that government intended to maintain the registry.
He believed it had a future if it could help with the development of eco-friendly aircraft.
‘I’m keen that any aircraft registry going forward is entirely carbon neutral and this I believe is something that I believe could help reinvigorate the aircraft registry,’ he said.
‘I am also aware that if there is genuinely no future for the aircraft registry, then it does need to be closed down.
‘At this moment in time I believe there is a future for the aircraft registry.
‘I believe it could help Jersey in the development of a wider aviation sector, particularly with the idea of sustainability and carbon neutrality at the core.’
Asked for a timeline on how long it would take to establish the viability of the project, Deputy Morel indicated 12-18 months.
‘By December next year I think there should be an absolute definitive pathway forward or an end to it.
‘The reason for that [timescale] is because it is tied to the development of an aviation sector.
‘The question is, can Jersey develop the aviation sector as a viable pillar to its economy? And that’s where the length of the work lies,’ he said.