Guernsey Press

St Martin’s issues gentle reminder on unpaid dog tax

DOG owners are being reminded to renew their dog licence after St Martin's douzaine noticed 150 had yet to be renewed.

Harvey being taken for a walk past the St Martin’s constables’ offices. (Picture by Peter Frankland, 29832597)

Parish constable Dave Beausire said he was sure it was just something people had yet to do rather than a conscious flouting of the law.

'I am sure people have just forgotten that they are required to renew their dog licence every year. It's only £10 and we have emailed our parishioners to remind them. All dogs should be licensed, if only so we can look at our records if the dog is injured or killed.

'There may have been some deaths, and parishioners should let us know if that is the case. A lot of people got dogs during lockdown and puppies up to a year old do not need to be licensed, but all other dogs do.

'I am sure it is a similar situation in other parishes. We will be gently reminding our dog owners again in a week or so by email, but would like to just give them a nudge to get in touch with the douzaine.'