Summer shows bouncing back after cancellations
SOME of the traditional highlights of the local summer calendar will be bouncing back in the coming weeks after Covid caused their cancellation in 2020.

The North Show will be marking its centenary when it returns to Saumarez Park on 25 and 26 August.
Show manager Josh Gabriel said barring any change in the current covid regulations, people could expect to see a bumper show this year.
‘If we can get UK entertainment in we will, but even if we don’t, we have a lot of local attractions already booked,’ he said.
‘Our USP (unique selling proposition) is that for this year, to mark the centenary, anybody below the age of 17 will have free entry to the show.’
He said it was difficult to predict the number of entries for various classes.
‘We hope that people will embrace the show because of its centenary, and that there might be more people on island to take part as they are holding back on travelling at the moment,’ said Mr Gabriel.
A timeline of the show’s history will be on display in Saumarez Park, including posters and copies of old show programmes.
A VIP tent will be set up so people who have helped out at the show over the years can get together on the Thursday afternoon for a drink and slice of cake.
Organisers were grateful for the support of the show’s main sponsor Blue Diamond Group which is providing a family area with lots of children’s entertainment.
The West Show will be taking place at L’Eree the week before, on 18 and 19 August.
Committee member Linda Norman said three UK acts were still hoping to travel but one had been forced to cancel as it involved youngsters who were not double vaccinated. The cancelled act was already booked for 2022.
People would see a change to the showground this year as the large tents that were previously brought from the UK were no longer available.
‘The company at one stage did all three shows but since the North Show decided to use local tents it has become a lot more complicated and expensive and they no longer want to do it,’ said Mrs Norman.
‘We have sourced the tents locally which has been quite a challenge given the number of weddings for instance, but though the layout will be slightly different, all the usual things people expect will be there.’
The South Show will be happening indoors at the Professor Shaw Community Centre in St Martin’s on Friday 13 and Saturday 14 August.
Show president Mike Weysom said the hall would host all the usual produce and craft competition entries, as well as a raffle, bottle stall and vegetable stall. Without the field, it was not possible to host the baby competition, dog show or the children’s entertainment as well but he hoped they would return for next year.