Guernsey Press

Pride of Guernsey: The ‘orphans’ from Annie

THE young actresses who play the orphans in Gadoc’s most recent musical performance, Annie, have been nominated for the St Pierre Park-sponsored Young Achiever of the Year award.

(Picture by John Fitzgerald)

Their nominator, who wished to remain anonymous, said, ‘These 13 girls, plus Eliza Webster, who plays Annie, are the stars of the show.

‘It must be great for Gadoc to know that the future of theatre and live performance is in good hands.

‘I saw the production and it was just fantastic. To be that age and receive a standing ovation – does life get any better than that?

‘They deserve to be recognised.’

Gadoc chairwoman and Annie director Lisa Johnston said: ‘They are so hard-working and talented.

‘They’ve been super fun in rehearsals and so dedicated to their roles.

‘I’ve loved every minute of working with them.’

The other girls involved are Maisie Webster, Freya Mitchell, Freya Tardif, Poppy Cochrane, Abi Wallen, Katie Luxon, Beatrice Wilson, Ruby Coyde, Lottie Colmer, Mia Larbalestier, Lilly Grace Nicolle, Sicely Mountford and Zara Stafford-Bell.

The musical was meant to be staged last Easter, but due to complications with the two lockdowns had to be postponed until recently.

‘They’re little powerhouses on stage. They’re off the page – just outstanding. And they’ve been really well behaved.

‘We had someone last week who’s seen the professional version of Annie in the West End and they said that our kids could swap places with the professionals.

‘They’re just amazing. I couldn’t be prouder of them.’

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