Fiesta Espanola theme night raises £8k for Cheshire Home
AN EXCLUSIVE ‘Fiesta Espanola’ themed night at The Guernsey Yacht Club raised more than £8,000 for The Guernsey Cheshire Home.

Michael and Sarah Kinnersly have been organising such events for the past 10 years and their efforts to date have raised more than £100,000 for the charity.
Previous nights have included a Caribbean one.
‘You have to do something special to get people to come and we always have authentic food with everything hand-crafted,’ said Mr Kinnersly.
The menu consisted of a range of Spanish and continental dishes.
The evening began with a performance from The Western Valley Hot Club who were in the island to perform at The Guernsey Street Festival.
Dancers from the Heidi School of Dancing gave an exhibition of salsa and bachata with solo guitarist, Arnaud Nimes, playing a selection of melodies prior to a raffle and auction.
Mr Kinnersly said he was grateful to all sponsors and invited guests for their generous contributions and to The Guernsey Yacht Club for once again providing what was a superb location to host the event.