South Show organisers gear up for big weekend indoors
THE South Show returns after a one-year absence tomorrow and with next year’s event already firmly in mind.

The 2020 show was cancelled due to Covid and show president Mike Weysom said they
were already planning ahead for 2022.
In 2019 the Victorian kitchen garden sold heritage seeds at the show with the intention that people from anywhere in Guernsey could grow them and exhibit the produce at last year’s South
‘But when the show was cancelled people ended up harvesting what they had grown, so now we’re starting the process again,’ he said.
Heritage seeds are from the varieties of vegetables that our ancestors would have grown 50 years ago or more and Mr Weysom said they were keen to keep them going.
The show will feature the usual pot plants, vegetables, cut flowers, cookery, arts and crafts to name but some in both adult and senior classes.
All of the show will be indoors which means events like the dog classes and bonny baby competitions, which were normally held in the field, would not be taking place.
‘We are just pleased that this year’s show is able to go ahead,’ said Mr Weysom. ‘There is a lot of work to put on the events in the field and with more volunteers we would like to get it back for next year. That one’s a work in progress.’
There will also be a sale of fresh vegetables, a bottle stall and a raffle.
Hand sanitizer will be provided along with gloves for helpers who will be handling money.
The event will be taking place at The Professor Shaw Community Centre at Rue Maze, St Martin’s, between 1pm and 8pm tomorrow and from 10am to 6pm when the prizes will be given, on Saturday.
Due to the roadworks at La Grande Rue, access to the show from Town and the north of the island will be via Les Merriennes while access from the west will be via Rue Maze.