Guernsey Press

Pride of Guernsey: Imogen and Olivia Ellis

SISTERS Imogen and Olivia Ellis have been nominated for the Close Finance-sponsored Overcoming Adversity award.

Claire Ellis with daughters Olivia (7), left, and Imogen (11). (Picture By Cassidy Jones, 29847301)

Days before the last lockdown in January, Imogen, Olivia and their mum Claire, who is a type one diabetic, caught Covid and had to isolate.

‘The girls thankfully recovered quickly but their mum was quite ill for three weeks. Checking her blood sugars regularly, making meals for all of them and doing most of the household duties always with a telephone number nearby to call for help or in case of an emergency’, said nominator Linda Le Page, who is Claire’s mum.

‘The girls were only 10 and seven and did a fantastic job. They are both angels and we are so very proud of them.’

Claire said: ‘They’d scan my monitoring device and wake me if I needed glucose or injections, check on me throughout the night, make basic meals, keep house, and do anything they possibly could to help – and all of their own accord.

‘Their behaviour in a stressful situation was incredible. The best of friends anyway, they worked together to make sure I was OK and our attitude remained positive.

‘They’re definitely my angels.’

Linda added: ‘Given the conditions of the lockdown, members of the family were unable to help out in the home, without themselves being forced to isolate with them. Constant contact was kept on a daily basis to ensure the girls were coping.

‘Three weeks later their mum still tested positive but has since made a full recovery.'

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