Recycling centre a big success with islanders
GUERNSEY’S Household Waste & Recycling Centre has become a big success, with Guernsey Waste now looking at options about how to deal with queues of islanders, keen to use it.

The site opened two years ago after a major revamp.
Guernsey Waste operations manager Sarah Robinson said it was clear the public had appreciated the improvement.
‘People are using the site a lot more, so we are getting a lot more footfall,’ she said.
‘Nearly three times as much. It is good news for us and we hope they are recycling a lot more.’
That has led to some problems with traffic queues, particularly on Fridays, Mondays and weekends.
‘We are exploring a few different options to see if it is possible to improve things,’ she said.
‘So watch this space. We are aware we need to do something.’
She urged users to save up their items and bring them in one larger journey.
‘People often come down with one or two items, but it would be better if they kept it for a big trip,’ she said.
Details about the site were revealed in the Guernsey Waste annual waste management report, which was published yesterday.
Overall 2,131 tonnes of materials were dropped at the site for recycling last year – an increase of 296 tonnes on the year before.
Scrap metal and electrical items made up half the weight of the items dropped off.
Also among the waste was also 53 tonnes of mattresses, 122 tonnes of cardboard and 15 tonnes of household batteries.
Charity GO have been partnered with Guernsey Waste since 2017 to try and maximise the reuse of items, rather than having them just recycled.
In 2016 24 tonnes of items were removed from the site for reuse. This had risen to 148 tonnes last year.