Planners envisage up to 88 homes on La Vrangue site
UP TO 88 houses could be built on two St Peter Port fields, according to a new draft planning document.

A draft development framework has been published for the fields, which stand between Pitronnerie Road and La Vrangue.
The framework aims to provide guidance on how the fields could be best developed. It is not a planning application and has been prepared by planning officers, not the land owners.
The 1.6-hectare site to the south of the Pitronnerie Road Industrial Estate is surrounded by houses on three sides.
The site is made up of two fields, which are under separate ownership, and at least part of the site is still used
for farming.
While it is not a housing target area, it is just within the St Peter Port main centre outer area boundary, which is one of the areas where new housing is directed.
The design will affect how many properties could be built on the site, but the planners suggest that between 48 and 88 could be built there. These homes would be expected to be two or three storeys high.
The draft report suggests that while efficient and effective use must be made of the land, that did not mean it should all be built on.
‘The best possible design solution should include appropriate provision of proportionate private and public amenity space,’ the report states.
‘If the development incorporates family housing, consideration should be given to the provision of a children’s play area of a scale appropriate to the projected number of residents and the proportion of family housing proposed.’
The report does suggest that Rue Thomas, the road running along the west side of the field, could be widened and also noted that access for any new development could be created onto Pitronnerie Road.
The draft framework can be read at
People can comment on it by emailing or by writing to the authority over the next four weeks. All responses must be received by 5pm on 2 November.
Following the consultation, the comments received together with the documents will then be considered by the Development & Planning Authority.
If approved by the authority, the development framework will become supplementary planning guidance and will be taken into account when considering development proposals for the site.
THERE have been a number of developments taking place in the area, particularly since the adoption of the Island Development Plan in 2016.
It is attractive for development because it is within the St Peter Port main centre outer boundary, but just outside the conservation area boundary, which could restrict development.
The nearby Coutanchez site of The Guernsey Institute is a housing allocation area, but it is still used for education.
These are some of the recent approved applications.
Vrangue House, La Vrangue – subdivided the dwelling into five units of accommodation, an outbuilding to two units of accommodation, erect four new dwellings (approved 2014, completed)
Vrangue Manor, Kantara, Samara and Dalin, La Vrangue – Demolish three existing dwellings and erect 20 new ones (approved 2016, completed)
Vrangue Manor, La Vrangue – Alter and convert barn to form two dwellings and create two semi-detached dwellings (approved 2019, commenced)
Millbrook and Niardua, Guelles Road – Redevelopment of site to provide 20 residential units (approved 2016, completed)
Le Courtil Jardin, Guelles Lane – Demolish existing dwelling and erect six (approved 2018, completed)
Longfield Bungalow, Guelles Road – Demolish existing dwelling and erect eight (approved 2020, commenced)
Hotel Dunchoille, Guelles Road – Redevelopment of site to create 14 apartments (approved 2018, completed)