Two females in his life keep Sark farmer waiting
SARK farmer Jason Salisbury has been waiting on two women in his life – Strawberry the cow, who was pregnant and overdue, and his veterinarian wife Katharine, who remains in the UK with no set date for her move to Sark.

But Strawberry finally gave birth at the weekend.
‘I am still doing it on my own, but everything is now clicking into place,’ Mr Salisbury said.
Milk production began in late August and Mr Salisbury is now selling 40 litres a day.
‘Milk sales continue as we expected. We anticipated a drop during school holidays but local demand is high, with many people using our self-serve facility at the dairy on their way home from work,’ he said.
Strawberry was kept inside instead of in the field with the other 13 mature cows until she calved.
She was due to give birth at the end of September but did not seem all that fussed with the delay. She finally gave birth last weekend.
Mr Salisbury said his wife had been delayed on their cheese-making farm in Suffolk as their chief cheese-maker went on maternity leave and she needed to stay behind to keep things going.
‘I will be spending Christmas without her, but we both hope she will be joining me as soon as possible in the new year.’