Alderney seeks to engage everyone over Island Plan
EVERYONE with an interest in Alderney’s future is being given an opportunity to help formulate a new Island Plan.

This is not the first time the States has produced such a plan – the last one was in 2018 – but it now believes that following Covid and Brexit much has changed, including the island’s relationship with Guernsey as part of the Bailiwick, and the feel of
the community. It aims to use community engagement to forge a ‘realistic and achievable plan’ for the near future.
‘There is a golden window of opportunity where a range of elements have come together that give this plan a greater chance of success than previous attempts,’ said the plan’s lead author, States member Ian Carter.
The work will be done quickly, with the plan finalised next month and ratified by the full States at its December meeting.
The survey, open to all interested in Alderney, is now online at and available at the Island Hall. Closing date for responses is Monday 8 November.
Survey details
The Alderney Island Plan survey covers six key themes, each with a number of goals which people are asked to prioritise and then provide their own suggestions.
The themes are:
. Economy – increasing the number and diversity of resilient businesses, improving the community’s skills base and attracting business investment.
. Energy – introducing clean and green energy and reducing energy costs.
. Accessibility and connectivity – increasing the resilience of air and sea transport and creating improved digital connectivity.
. Community development – improving the diversity, health and wellbeing of the island’s population.
. Environment – realising the full potential of our marine and terrestrial environment while protecting natural habitats and heritage sites.
. Governance – improving the efficiency, transparency and scrutiny of the States to increase public confidence.