Guernsey Press

Meeting could be the start of parishes and P&R working together

THE States will be working to engage more with parish douzaines through a new working group, with the first meeting taking place next Wednesday. [10-11-21]

P&R vice-president Deputy Heidi Soulsby is also chairwoman of the States Douzaine Liaison Group.(Picture by Sophie Rabey, 30083696)

The Policy & Resources Committee, which is responsible for the douzaines, will be meeting parish officials in the hope of developing an effective, mutually supportive partnership.

P&R vice-president Heidi Soulsby, who is also chairwoman of the States Douzaine Liaison Group, said it wanted to ensure both were working together to the maximum benefit of the island.

‘Parish officials are experienced, committed stewards for their local communities and with all of the pressures on our island, we must make sure they aren’t underused. This includes considering which responsibilities it is appropriate to devolve to the douzaines and how they could be transferred.’

The meeting has been delayed on several occasions due to Covid-19 and other internal factors.

‘It has taken a little longer than I’d hoped to hold this next meeting, but that is because we’ve focused in the first part of this year on developing and agreeing the Government Work Plan, which had to be done as early as possible as it sets out the priorities for the political term,’ said Deputy Soulsby.

Restructuring the government to evoke maximum efficiency was outlined as a priority in the GWP.

Mick Fooks, chairman of the Douzaine Council, said: ‘It’s a formative meeting. It will be developing working together and seeing what the parishes can offer the States and what the States can offer the parishes.’

He chose not to stand for the Castel douzaine this year after 34 years serving the parish and said he will be toning down his involvement with the parish over the coming months. But he remains Douzaine Council chairman until its AGM in February.

‘It’s a shame it has taken this long to have a meeting. It’s a personal disappointment for me because I could have had two or three meetings while I was still in the role.’