Guernsey Press

Eisteddfod trophies handed out by relative of donor

TO MARK the centenary year of the Guernsey Eisteddfod Society’s founding, the Guernesiais sub-committee invited those with direct connections to award donors to present the trophies to the winners.

Anne Le Cheminant – winner of the Classe Superieure – with the W N Langlois Trophy, which was presented to her by the donor’s great-granddaughter, Annie Norledge.

‘It was a delight to welcome them,’ said Eisteddfod Guernesiais section executive officer Joy Liggett.

The oldest award, dating back to 1922, was the W N Langlois Cup, which was presented to the winner of the Classe Superieure, Anne Le Cheminant.

‘It was a real honour to present the awards as a legacy to our family,’ said Annie Norledge, a great-granddaughter of Mr Langlois.

She said the Eisteddfod was one of the only ways to keep the island’s language alive and to lose it would be devastating.

‘It’s really important that competitions like this encourage people to study it and learn how to speak it. I really feel privileged that my family in some way helped contribute to keeping the traditional language of the island alive.’

On behalf of his great-grandfather, Nick Falla presented the Pierre Le Maitre Cup to Carol Guille for her self-penned monologue. The cup was donated in 2004 by Mr Le Maitre’s grandchildren.

‘It was a great pleasure to come along and pass the trophy on,’ Mr Falla said.

Other awards to be presented included the Rose Bowl for the highest mark, presented by Christine Snell, daughter of donors Mr and Mrs Robilliard, and La Coupe de la Culture Guernesiais, presented by Bill Gallienne. Both were awarded to Peter Le Messurier.

Mrs Liggett said this was the only Eisteddfod performing arts section with a 2021 competition, with Sark School’s Serquais performance opening the section, followed by adult classes last Saturday at Shiloh.

‘Many familiar faces were in the audience but others had come along for the first time to experience this showcase of Guernsey’s own language,’ she added.

Schools will soon be asked to take part in junior classes again next March.