Bus journey could cost £1.25 from next month
GUERNSEY’S £1 flat bus fare for travelling anywhere in the island could be on the rise.

For many years a pound note would get travellers anywhere on the island. But cash was scrapped during the pandemic meaning passengers had to use contactless bank cards or puffin passes.
Now a Traffic and Highway Services review of the public bus service is proposing to increase the cost of a single journey to £1.25, while puffin multipass journeys would increase from 65p to 75p.
It is part of a raft of ticket and timetable changes, which could come into effect on 28 February.
‘A review of bus fares and payment options has been undertaken,’ a States of Guernsey spokeswoman said.
‘Most notably, cash fares will be discontinued. Throughout the pandemic, cash fares have not been accepted due to the increased risk posed through the transfer of physical cash from passengers to drivers and visa versa.
‘The service has transitioned to completely contactless with no loss of functionality and therefore it is proposed this method is maintained going forward. A variety of Smartcard payment options are available, accounting for two thirds of payments currently, and the introduction of contactless payments (Visa, Apple Pay etc.) in late 2019 has also proved very popular, accounting for the final third of payments.’
The proposals also suggest that night bus journeys increase from £3 to £3.50 a journey, while monthly passes would go up from £22 to £25. Weekly passes would increase from £16 to £18. Round-island, one-day passes will increase from £5 to £7.50.
Under 16s in full-time education and children under five would still go free.
There are also amendments to the routes, with the 13 service from Town to the Bridge expanded to include Vale Road to cope with new developments there and the 60 service from Town to Longfrie expanded to include Le Frie Baton and Route des Clos Landais, which are not currently on the network.
There are also increases in services between the Princess Elizabeth Hospital and Town to give more transport options to key workers.
The public consultation will now run until Friday 21 January.
Anybody wishing to comment should do so in writing to passengertransport@gov.gg or to The Director of Traffic & Highway Services, Bulwer Avenue Office, Bulwer Avenue, St. Sampson’s, GY2 4LR.