Guernsey Press

Dora back home after island tour

DORA the dog is back home after nearly two weeks wandering the island.

Cold and hungry, but runaway rescue dog Dora has been reunited with Tracey Gallienne, who runs an animal rescue charity, after going missing on 13 January. (30424278)

The seven-year-old rescue dog found herself out in the cold after she escaped from her foster carer’s home on 13 January.

People across Guernsey fell in love with her as the GSPCA shared regular updates.

The animal charity had plans to capture the dog, which had been spotted mainly in the St Andrew’s area, but they came to nothing over the weekend.

Then early yesterday she was recaptured at Chouet in the Vale.

‘She’s exhausted, and a bit weak from lack of food, but she’s home again and healthy,’ said Tracey Gallienne, from Stray Safe Rescue Guernsey.

Within five minutes of being loaded in Ms Gallienne’s car, Dora was fast asleep.

‘She was very cold, so we sat in the car with the heat blasting for half an hour to warm her up. Since she’s been home, she’s had two chicken dinners and plenty of rest.’

The GSPCA received a phone call about a stray dog in the Chouet area at around 1am yesterday, and staff and Ms Gallienne spent hours searching the area.

After a long night, Dora was eventually cornered and caught near the Woodies kiosk.

Ms Gallienne explained that Dora has not had an easy life.

Cold and hungry, but runaway rescue dog Dora has been reunited with Tracey Gallienne, who runs an animal rescue charity, after going missing on 13 January. (30424278)

As part of her charity, Ms Gallienne rescues animals from the streets of Romania, and she gives them a second chance at life in Guernsey.

Dora is one such former street dog, and she has only been on the island with her foster since Christmas time.

‘She’s used to being constantly chased in Romania by dog catchers. They see these animals as vermin, and we suspect that Dora was probably abandoned by her original family over there because she knew exactly what a sofa was when she first saw mine,’ said Ms Gallienne.

Despite her history of cruel treatment, Ms Gallienne described Dora as a ‘couch potato’ with ‘no bite in her’, and she said the gentle dog is always wagging her tail.

Dora originally escaped from her foster’s home in Amherst after an unexpected visitor knocked at the door.

Although she had been in another room, blockaded by a gate, she launched herself over the barrier, and ran out of the door.

For nearly two weeks, her foster family, Ms Gallienne, the GSPCA, and other volunteers have reported Dora sightings all around the island, including St Pierre Park Hotel, Talbot Valley, Fosse Andre, and Kings Mills.

Ms Gallienne said Dora’s fear and instincts must have taken over as she was running scared all around the island and hiding from people.

She could not be coaxed with food or toys.

Once Dora finds her forever home, Ms Gallienne believes that her confidence around people will grow and she will feel more relaxed. Once she recovers from her ordeal, she will finally be up for adoption.

Ms Gallienne said anyone interested in adopting Dora should message the Stray Safe Rescue Guernsey Facebook page for more information.