Olivia, Theo, and Luca most popular baby names in Guernsey
NEW Guernsey parents chose to go their own way in 2021, with a majority of babies being given first names unique to them.

Just over 54% of babies – 285 out of 527 births registered – became the only child with their name to be born in Guernsey in 2021.
Olivia was the most popular girl’s name, being chosen six times.
This reflects the UK trend, where the name has been at the top of the charts for five consecutive years.
The next most popular names in Guernsey last year were Charlotte, Evie, Florence, Imogen, Isla and Penelope, which were each chosen four times.
Of these, only Isla appeared in the UK top 10 in 2020 (at number three), which is the most recent year for which statistics are available.
Isabella was chosen only three times, locally, but was perhaps a more popular name than this bare statistic shows, as Isabella-Jude, Izabella and Isabelle also made one appearance each on the register.
Among the boys, Luca and Theodore shared the top spot with six uses apiece.
However, Theo was also chosen five times and came in joint third, along with Archie.
Of these names, only Archie made it into the UK top 10 last time out, placing ninth. Luca, by contrast, was 45th, Theodore 14th and Theo 17th.
Top names for boys in Guernsey in 2021
Luca (6)
Theodore (6)
Archie (5)
Leo (5)
Theo (5)
Arthur (4)
George (4)
Max (4)
Oscar (4)
Thomas (4)
William (4)
Top names for girls in Guernsey in 2021
Olivia (6)
Charlotte (4)
Evie (4)
Florence (4)
Imogen (4)
Isla (4)
Penelope (4)
Guernsey’s 2021 birth register was arguably notable for the traditional names which were entirely absent.
Despite the popularity of Luca, and three boys being named Lucas, there was no Luke, no Mark and no John, though there was a Matthew, a Mateus and a Matheus.
A generation ago, in 1996, there were 668 births registered.
The top boys' name locally was James, while the top spot for girls was shared by Jessica, Lauren and Sophie.
In 2021, James made one appearance and Jessica two, while Lauren and Sophie had disappeared.
The above information includes first given names only, for all 2021 births registered in Guernsey up until 30 January 2022 and excludes any 2020 births registered in 2021.
Births are legally required to be registered in Guernsey within 30 days.
Of the 527 births in 2021, 263 were assigned female as their legal gender and 264 male. In addition, one birth from 1971 was registered in 2021 with male as the legal gender due to a correction to the original entry agreed by the Royal Court.
The most commonly occurring surnames to be put on the register were Le Page, with seven and Le Prevost, with five. Bourgaize, De La Mare, Hughes and Smith were entered four times each.