Pop in for a book and a jab...
ISLANDERS were able to pop in for a book and a vaccine jab at the Guille-Alles Library yesterday, as the vaccination team opened a new pop-up site.

Until now vaccinations have been focused at the Community Vaccination Centre at Beau Sejour or in a pop-up site at the harbour terminal.
But the team branched out to the library for a morning session yesterday.
Guille-Alles marketing and communications assistant Abi Paine said Public Health had asked to use the library and it had been happy to help.
‘They were looking for an easily accessible location,’ she said.
‘We were very pleased to help support the vaccine programme.’
The team were based in the second floor Dorey Room – one of the library’s meeting rooms. The library has good disabled access, including a lift.
A States spokesman said that after the successful trial at the harbour it was decided to look for additional opportunities for service users to access clinics.
‘Offering a middle of Town pop-up clinic for those people living, working or visiting St Peter Port, just a short walk from the High Street, was something we wanted to explore,’ he said.
‘The Guille-Alles Library was an ideal option for this given its central location and popularity as a venue for islanders.
‘Two further clinics will be offered at the Library on Tuesday and Friday of next week.
'We are very grateful to the management and staff for supporting this initiative. We are continuing to explore other options to further offer vaccine clinics out in the community.’
Ten people attended at the library yesterday. The new site was introduced as it was confirmed the main CVC is to move out of the Sir John Loveridge Hall at Beau Sejour after more than a year there.
Instead, vaccinations will be offered in the smaller Cambridge and Delancey meeting rooms, upstairs at the leisure centre.
About 95% of over-18s have now been double jabbed and 75% have had their booster. Only 3% of the adult population have not had any Covid vaccinations.
Uptake among teenagers has also been good, with 83% of 16- and 17-year-olds and 66% of 12- 15-year-olds having received at least one dose.