Vazon crash driver admits causing passenger's death
THE driver of a car that crashed on the Vazon coast road last April, killing a passenger, had consumed non-prescribed drugs, the Royal Court heard yesterday.

Anthony Hamon, 28, who at a previous hearing had given his address as Boscombe, Brock Road, St Peter Port, admitted causing the death of rear-seat passenger Kade Bougourd, 19, by dangerous driving late at night on 20 April.
The public gallery of the court was full for a pleas and directions hearing.
Prosecuting Advocate Rory Calderwood said the parties were in dispute over one point and a hearing might be needed to determine on whose version of events the defendant would be sentenced.
It was agreed that there was an acceptance of speed in the defendant’s driving and that he had taken non-prescribed drugs, namely cannabis and the anticonvulsant medicine Gabapentin, a class C drug.
It was also agreed that the car had crossed to the other side of the road, struck the kerb, and rolled several times.
But the defence contention that the defendant’s drug consumption had had no bearing on the accident was not accepted.
It was the prosecution case that the drug consumption had impacted on his ability to drive.
Defending, Advocate Samuel Steel said the toxicologist who prepared a report was unable to say whether his client’s driving would have been impaired, and the dispute was over the relevance of the drugs in his system.
Deputy Bailiff Jessica Roland said the issue could have a material bearing on sentence and a Newton hearing would need to be held to determine the issue.
A date for that will be set next month when Hamon will appear before the court again.
His bail was extended until then with the same conditions, including not to drive, not to attempt to leave the island, to reside at his home address and to abide by a curfew.
He also must not contact six witnesses whose names were given to the court.