P&R works with its former president
MARK HELYAR, the politician leading the Policy & Resources Committee’s push to establish a development agency to oversee the regeneration of the island’s eastern seaboard, has teamed up with former chief minister Gavin St Pier to bring four amendments to next week’s debate on the agency.

The duo will lay four amendments to the proposals, including a move to ensure that P&R, along with the States’ Trading Supervisory Board, come up with a suite of options for the island’s future operational harbour and commercial port infrastructure requirements, for a future debate.
Deputy St Pier said this would be ‘a key input into this whole process’, and praised Deputy Helyar and the senior States committee for its engagement ‘and accepting that propositions are capable of improvement’.
Other deputies have also been involved in shaping the proposed amendments.
Deputy St Pier said he wanted to clarify the agency’s role as a delivery vehicle, and ensure it had clear strategic guidance from the States to enable it to deliver development.
The amendments also seek to clarify points of governance and clear lines of political oversight, and to ensure a clear process by which transfers of land can be agreed and implemented.
‘What’s really important is that the foundations are right for the agency and that it has really clear political accountability and responsibility,’ he said.
‘There needs to be clear division of responsibility – that the States is responsible for determining the strategic direction and that the agency is all about delivery.’