Citizens Advice Guernsey looking for full-time CEO
CITIZENS Advice Guernsey is looking for a new chief executive as part of a move to separate its strategic and operational leadership.

The charity said this will enable it to focus on its future direction as well as on day-to-day services.
‘Over the past couple of years we have been dealing with some existential threats to the charity, including the security of our funding streams,’ said current CEO Kerry Ciotti.
‘At the same time we’ve seen a rise in the complexity of the problems for which islanders are seeking advice.
‘The upshot is that we have to focus on the scope and quality of our services while also trying to secure our own future.’
She said there was only so much that could be achieved with the equivalent of four part-time staff.
‘We’re looking for someone to help take the charity forward in an increasingly crowded sector.’
Until now the CEO role has been a part-time job but it has always been salaried.
It will now become a full-time position and Mrs Ciotti will act as chief operating officer to assist the new appointee.
‘I shall move to the new role of COO, focusing on service provision and development along with support to our volunteer advisers,’ said Mrs Ciotti, who has been with the charity for 14 years.
‘The CEO can then lead the charity using their vision, energy and networks to tackle some of the real challenges that the organisation itself is facing.’
She said the group realised it would need help to find the right person for the job.
‘As a charity our funds are very limited but thankfully OSA Recruitment stepped in. We’re very grateful for their expertise and support.’
This was an exciting time for Citizens Advice and while there was a lot at stake she said this was an exciting opportunity for the right person to have a positive impact on the future of the Bailiwick community as well as to lead ‘a really terrific team of volunteers’.
‘The whole community has a stake in this charity’s future,’ said Mrs Ciotti.
‘That’s why we are changing our staffing model to build greater strategic capacity.’
The charity handles an average of 10,000 enquiries a year and helps about 8% of islanders, covering topics including housing, debt and employment plus consumer, legal and family affairs.
It helps clients manage debts totalling about £3m. a year.
n For more information contact Kerry Ciotti on 242734.