Guernsey Press

Leale’s Yard rebuild ‘could be catalyst for regeneration on the Bridge’

THE development of Leale’s Yard could be the ‘catalyst’ for a wider regeneration of the Bridge, according to St Sampson’s junior constable.

Artist's impression of plans for the development of Leale's Yard and areas of the Bridge.(30681444)

Leonie Le Tissier said the parish douzaine was looking forward to seeing the planning application for the site which the Channel Islands Co-operative Society last week confirmed would be submitted imminently.

‘We believe it will help redevelop the Bridge as a whole. We want to see the Bridge improved in lots of ways and we think this will be the catalyst,’ she said.

‘We believe it should be a mix of things – housing, retail and open space for people to go and sit and enjoy. We are genuinely excited and positive about it.’

Guernsey Housing Association chief executive Steve Williams said the Leale’s Yard application and progress was very important for the island.

‘It will provide much-needed new homes plus it will regenerate the Bridge and bring into use redundant brownfield land,’ he said.

He also spoke about the potential effect on the nearby Kenilworth Vinery development site, which has been earmarked for affordable housing.

‘As regards the impact on the area it is hard to say with any accuracy at the moment, as we should remember that many of the new residents may well be people who already live in the local area – hence the extra impact will be less than some may imagine.’

Mr Williams said that progress was being made in preparing the Kenilworth site for development.

‘Site clearance is going well. There is a lot to do, and it is important, so that we can accurately measure parts of the land which were heavily overgrown and inaccessible,’ he said.

‘Our architects are working hard on the design which is being refined and pre-application discussions held with the planning officers. We have to provide several supporting reports which are also being produced, on flood remediation, environmental screening assessment, and ecology.

‘We hope to submit the planning application in June, subject to having all the supporting reports ready.’

Once a design was agreed, it would then be released, Mr Williams said.