Former Bailiff to head body to save language
FORMER Bailiff Sir Richard Collas has been appointed the first chairman of the new Guernsey Language Commission.
A language and history enthusiast, Sir Richard, who served as Bailiff from 2012 to 2020, said he wanted islanders to come forward with ideas and offers of help to get the commission contributing towards island life.
‘We have a wonderful opportunity to promote and raise awareness of our language which is such an important part of our unique island culture,’ he said.
‘We have a heritage of which we can be proud and we owe it to our forefathers and to future generations to preserve and promote it. I urge everyone who is interested to seize the occasion by coming forward with their ideas and offers to help.’
The States agreed to establish the commission in September 2020, and has set funding aside for it. Its aims are to sustain, develop and promote Guernesiais, as a standalone body from the States, pulling together a strategic plan to revitalise the language.
‘Sir Richard is excited about the prospect of the commission bringing together the vast amount of knowledge that exists around our native language to garner support for the long term,’ said Deputy Andrea Dudley-Owen, president of Education, Sport & Culture, which acts as the link between government and the commission.
‘We are grateful that he is able to bring his talents and energy to lead the commission through its early days.
‘The committee is thrilled that the new Guernsey Language Commission is now in a position to really start to increase the profile of Guernesiais and help people understand what a unique and special part of our island heritage it is.’
. An open evening will be held on 28 April at 7pm at Les Beaucamps High School for anyone interested in learning more about the commission and how they might get involved. The meeting will also be live-streamed and recorded. Further details can be found at