Tribute paid to former douzenier
TRIBUTE was paid at the St Peter’s Public Parish meeting to Nick Colmer who had died earlier in the day.

Senior constable Mike de Laune told the meeting how the former douzenier and president of the parish cemeteries committee was a parish stalwart who was well-respected and liked within the community.
The meeting heard that progress had been made following last year’s decision to set up a working party to draw up a community plan of what parishioners would like to see in the long term.
The working party had engaged with stakeholders and a public exhibition aimed at taking this to the next stage would open for two weeks from 6 May.
It had been prepared with the help of a professional architect and funded by the Parish Improvement Fund.
The money came from dog licences, bournements and fees from inspecting licensed premises, and it did not impact on the parish rates.
Mr de Laune said the idea of a community plan had also been endorsed by the Development & Planning Agency.
‘We have engaged openly with stakeholders to hear what they would like to tell us as we were asked to do last year,’ he said.
‘Nothing is pre-determined and it is now about engaging with the public. We have used a professional architect to ensure that what is displayed is comprehensive and accurate.’
Details of the exhibition would be sent in a letter with the parish rates, there would be a postal drop, and it would also be on the parish website
The meetings, both church and secular, took about an hour and all accounts were passed as read.
The remede figures would also be going on the website.