Guernsey Press

GSPCA urges islanders to look out for animals in hot weather

HEDGEHOGS have been left struggling in the hot weather, the GSPCA has warned.

Dogs in a car (30925498)

From dehydration to injuries from gardening tools, the GSPCA has helped 29 hedgehogs since the start of June.

The charity is urging islanders to pop a shallow bowl of water out for them, but not milk, as it can make them unwell. Tinned wet food can be put out to help them retain moisture.

GSPCA manager Steve Byrne said: ‘The last few weeks we have been extremely busy, especially with baby birds and dehydrated hedgehogs. We are now into the very busy hedgehog period that we see each year as many babies are born and many are injured by gardening. From putting out fresh water for hedgehogs to wet food like tinned cat food, you can really help.’

A number of hedgehogs have been brought in with injuries from strimmers, lawn mowers and hedge cutters. The charity emphasised the importance of checking the surrounding areas before starting gardening.

A hedgehog out during the day may well need help as they are rarely awake foraging during daylight hours.

The easiest way to pick up a hedgehog is by covering them with a towel, jumper or coat and then placing them into a container with air holes.

The GSPCA would also like to remind all pet owners that animals should not be left in cars, and those that have access to conservatories, green houses and other such environments need to be aware of the risks to their animals.

‘Every year we highlight how important it is that we don’t take our dogs out in the car when shopping, as those in vehicles are at real risk with the sunny, warm weather,’ added Mr Byrne.

‘If your dog is left in the car, even if parked in the shade, as the sun moves could put them at a real risk of heat exhaustion and which can does lead to death.

‘We urge all pet owners to stop and think and ensure that their pet is not put at in a life-threatening situation with this lovely weather.’

n For more advice head to the GSPCA website