Fairtrade campaigner receives British Empire Medal
A FAIRTRADE campaigner has been presented with the British Empire Medal at Government House.

The presentation on Saturday was made to Steve Mauger by Lt-Governor Lt-General Richard Cripwell – the first BEM the Lt-Governor has ever presented.
Mr Mauger was given awarded in the New Year Honours List for services to Fairtrade in Guernsey.
He said the news had still not sunk in.
In his acceptance speech, he said he and his wife Carole wanted to thank everyone who had supported Fairtrade’s work. Many of them were able to be there for the ceremony.
‘I really am humbled by this,’ he told the audience.
‘I think this award was recognition of everything we have done.’

He paid special tribute to former Bailiff Sir de Vic Carey, who was patron of Fairtrade Guernsey for 15 years, as well as the Channel Island Co-operative Society and the Guernsey Overseas Aid & Development Commission, which have both supported Fairtrade.
‘Fairtrade is not only about kindness, which is reason enough to get involved, but also about building a more secure and sustainable world,’ said Lt-General Cripwell.
‘Mr Mauger’s determination and hard work over many years have enabled islanders to play their part in creating stability in some of the most vulnerable regions, which is becoming increasingly important. That’s something of which he can be very proud.’
Mr Mauger is a former director of the Guernsey Press and long-standing member of Capelles Methodist Church. His involvement in aid work began some 40 years ago as a volunteer organising Guernsey’s annual Christian Aid Week.
This led to his getting involved in the Fairtrade movement, whose mission is to connect disadvantaged farmers and workers with consumers, promoting fairer trade conditions and empowering producers to combat poverty, strengthen their position and take control of their lives.
In 2005, Mr Mauger founded Guernsey’s Fairtrade Steering Group, lobbying deputies while also raising community awareness and fostering relations with the Fairtrade Foundation’s head office, in London.
The States formally committed the island to Fairtrade, with Guernsey going on to achieve Fairtrade Island status in 2006 and winning the foundation’s outstanding achievement award in recognition of its first Fairtrade Fortnight.
Mr Mauger was appointed as a volunteer commissioner to the Overseas Aid & Development Commission in 2008, serving the maximum 10-year term helping to identify suitable projects to receive grants from its budget.