New driver gets lost on diversion, bus hits building
A NEW bus driver took a wrong turn on Friday evening and crashed their bus.

The incident happened at about 5pm.
Many buses were routed away from the seafront due to the Harbour Carnival and up Fountain Street.
The 41 bus was meant to use Prince Albert Road to get back on route for the west coast.
But the driver instead turned up Vauvert and then drove on into George Street – much too narrow for a bus to manoeuvre in easily.

At the top, the driver was confronted with a tight turn into Allez Street. Attempting to turn left, and the side of the bus hit the building on the corner, smashing a window on the vehicle.
When PC Ben Wilen arrived, he said the 15 passengers had been evacuated from the bus safely and he did not believe there were any injuries.
It is understood the driver had only been in the job a few weeks.
A more experienced driver was called in to move the bus to safety and the junction was clear by 6pm.
PC Wilen thanked the members of the public who helped to direct traffic during the incident.