Big donation from Little Big Hotel Group a lift for Grow
A £100,000 donation has been made by the Little Big Hotel Group to Grow’s £3m. fundraising total.

Charity patrons Guy and Julia Hands have pledged to donate £125,000 of the final £500,000 for the project, provided Grow can raise the remaining £375,000 by the end of August.
That was given a big boost yesterday after hotelier Ian Walker donated £100,000.
‘What Grow is doing to help people who can’t help themselves is invaluable,’ Mr Walker said.
‘When I visited them I saw for myself just how much the crew gain from working together and learning skills which give them confidence, and will increasingly lead to employment in commercial sectors. If they did not have these opportunities they would spend their lives at home or in care.’
He encouraged more people to come forward.
‘There are only seven weeks to go to get the remainder of the funds so I am appealing to other members of our community to join me in supporting this excellent cause,’ he said.
‘This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to support a project which will benefit an important sector of our community for many decades to come.’
Mrs Hands thanked Mr Walker for his support. ‘His donation is extremely generous and much appreciated.’
Grow chairman Mark Dunster said: ‘We are getting so close to completing our fundraising campaign and our dreams are turning to reality, so I echo Mr Walker’s clarion call to others to help meet the challenge.’
When the project is completed, Grow will be equipped to provide enhanced opportunities in a range of occupational sectors, alongside personal and life skills, for double the current number of 40 people with learning disabilities.
Show support
. To find out more about how to support the challenge, call Marguerite Talmage on 07911 719081 or email her at
. A donation can be made by bank transfer to Grow Ltd, sort code 60 09 20, account 45207755. Alternatively send a cheque to Grow Ltd Redevelopment Campaign at Grow Ltd, Avondale Vinery, Oatlands Lane, St Sampson’s GY2 4FD.