Guernsey Press

Forest Primary gets a new sensory garden

FOREST Primary School has a new sensory garden, thanks to a voucher won by a pupil.

Mathilde Brown, 11, foreground, won a £500 Grow Ltd voucher in a Pollinator Project competition and spent it on a new sensory garden for Forest School. Left to right, Alex Houchard, supervisor Clare Marshall and Abigail Lawlor from Grow. (Picture by Nate Le Messurier, 31029961)

Mathilde Brown, 11, earned a £500 voucher from Grow Ltd after creating a bee in a competition held across the schools.

The school was already in discussion about creating a new garden in a more accessible place and was going through the process of funding.

The school’s pupil leadership team helped design the garden before Grow Ltd helped make it a reality.

Head teacher Paula Sullivan said: ‘We wanted to make a nice new garden that was also more accessible for wheelchair users and students with disabilities.

‘We had already started fundraising before winning the voucher.

‘So all money raised by the PTA was used for the foundations and the prize money helped build the garden.’

Mrs Sullivan said that the area was never really used before.

So the school decided to create the sensory garden for children to use in the sun to sit among the flowers on breaks.

‘I love it, this is my favourite flower bed because I love cactuses,’ said Mathilde.

The Grow Ltd charity that helps adults with learning disabilities and difficulties develop self-confidence and life skills through horticulture and crafts.