Guernsey Press

Pride of Guernsey: Heather Robilliard

HEATHER ROBILLIARD, who has been dubbed the ‘mother hen’ of Guernsey motor sport, has been nominated for the Sports Volunteer of the Year award, sponsored by Sure.

Heather Robilliard. (Picture by Sophie Rabey, 31072182)

Mrs Robilliard is competition secretary of the Guernsey Kart Club and has been involved in motor sport for more than 45 years.

‘She dedicates so many of her weekends to helping people to sign on, timekeeping and organising a lot of the paperwork, among other things,’ said her nominator Ann Pinchemain.

‘She is also on the committee at the Kart Club and spends so much of her time taking phone calls and helping people out.

‘Heather is heavily involved with karting and also helps out with the hill climb.

‘This means that she attends all of the meetings, which during the summer time are often held at the weekend.

‘She is also involved with the car club as well as motocross.’

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