Guernsey Press

Pride of Guernsey: Mim Sarre

MIM SARRE has been nominated for the Customer Service of the Year award, which is sponsored by DWA.

Mim Sarre. (Picture by Luke Le Prevost, 31098964)

Nominator Leanne Sarre said: ‘I think Mim deserves this award because of her outstanding work she does on a daily basis.

‘She wakes up at 6am – sometimes even 4am – and starts working straight away, making sure that everything is prepped and ready for the day ahead.’

Mim started Mim’s Kiosk three years ago when she took over the kiosk at the bathing pools. She also runs the one at Cobo as well as a mobile kiosk.

‘Everyone adores Mim’s Kiosk, the way she treats her staff is so heart-warming, but the way she treats every single one of her customers is something else,’ added Leanne.

‘If there’s something not on the menu but someone asked for it to be made if possible, she will always go out of her way to make sure her customers’ needs are always met no matter what. She’ll start friendly conversations with her customers about how their day is going, what they are up to on the weekend and even just about the kiosk itself.’

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