Guernsey Press

Pride of Guernsey: Thomas Vining

THOMAS VINING, 12, has been nominated for the Overcoming Adversity award, sponsored by Close Finance.

Thomas Vining. (Picture by Sophie Rabey, 31113947)

Thomas is a keen racer and held the title of Junior Trials Champion for three years, then Sand Racing Champion for three years.

He was ranked in the top spot on the UK grading list in 2018 and 2019.

Nominator Julie Duquemin said: ‘Thomas deserves this award for perseverance and determination to succeed in his sport, despite some setbacks.

‘During Covid travel became impossible. Mainland participants were still training and competing, leaving Thomas at a disadvantage.

‘He concentrated on motorcycle trials, keeping up his fitness and bike skills, participated in local sand-racing at every opportunity thanks to some sponsorship, and Thomas chopped and sold kindling wood on his hedge stall to help cover expenses.

‘He was set for a great 2022 season. Thomas then suffered accidents in sport at school, a broken arm, then later, a broken nose, both requiring surgery.

‘Recently, his grandfather died. He had supported Thomas at every local race. For Thomas it was devastating. But he still went on to win third place in the UK British Youth Grass Track Championship. His grandfather would have been very proud.

‘He has a bright future, is an ambassador for motor sport and a role model for other young people.’

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