Parishioners shown plans for future of St Peter’s
NEW retail units, allotments and a one-way road system are among ideas that have won backing from St Peter’s parishioners, following a consultation exercise on the future development of the parish.

A new cafe at the post office site, a community hedge veg stall and the extension of existing properties to create new units of accommodation also proved popular, while the idea of a housing estate did not go down as well.
The six-week consultation was carried out by a committee set up by the douzaine to develop a blueprint for the future, which will guide the planning process.
Leaflets were sent to every home in St Peter’s asking all 2,076 residents how they want their community to look in 15-20 years’ time. This was followed by an exhibition in the douzaine room which focused on housing, retail, traffic and leisure.
The results were analysed and graded according to their popularity.
A pedestrian link from Morrisons to Rue de Brehaut and an upgrade of the Sylvans clubhouse to include a relocated indoor rifle range were also among the ideas to win support from a majority of respondents, along with a health hub near the post office consisting of a doctors’ surgery, pharmacy and health studio.
‘We had 149 people attend the exhibition and submit responses by post and email, which represents an incredible 18.7% of households in the parish,’ said committee chairman Tony Talmage.
‘In the UK, the feedback in similar community consultations averages 0.7%, so the engagement from St Peter’s has been very encouraging.
‘The community told us what they like the idea of, but they also made it quite clear what they don’t want.
‘If the douzaine agrees, the responses will be translated by a professional into something called a Supplementary Planning Guidance document which will be kept by the planners as a record of what the community does and doesn’t want to happen.
‘Subsequently, this document will guide the planning process for the parish.’
The resulting community plan blueprint, representing parishioners’ wishes, is being exhibited at the douzaine room on Tuesdays from 4-7pm, on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 10am-1pm and on Saturdays from 9am-5pm until 10 September.