Pride of Guernsey: Greg Martin
GREG MARTIN has been nominated for the Emergency Hero of the Year award, sponsored by the Medical Specialist Group.

‘I feel Greg deserves this award due to his motivation and dedication to his job as a paramedic,’ said his nominator, who wished to remain anonymous.
‘Greg goes above and beyond in his job caring tirelessly for the community of Guernsey.
‘When Greg is off duty, he is also a community first responder so will attend to emergencies in his vicinity.
‘He also often gets called back into work after shifts or on days off to help the community when there are periods of high demand.
‘Greg has recently also been off-island for three weeks and provided cover in the Isle of Man during the TT motorbike racing.
‘All whilst working full time as a paramedic and often doing over his contracted hours every week, Greg is also carrying out a degree module in order to gain more knowledge with the hope of progressing in the future.
‘He is always striving to become the best he can be and remains highly caring and professional in his working role.’