Guernsey Press

Pride of Guernsey: Alicia Vieira

ALICIA VIEIRA has been nominated for the Carer of the Year award, which is sponsored by Specsavers.


She met her nominator, Shania Rocha, who she supports with a multitude of things, when Shania was three years old, and they have been close friends ever since.

Miss Vieira works for the learning disability service and will start her degree in learning disability nursing with the Open University in October.

Miss Rocha said: ‘Alicia has been spectacular over the last few months.

‘I have had loads of parties for birthdays and for my prom she was the one who helped me get my hair and make-up done at short notice.

‘Alicia was a massive support on our recent holiday to see our family who live in Madeira, where I haven’t been for three years.

‘She was the one who went through the airport with me and helped me not feel anxious and her positive energy made it go smoothly.

‘She is a close friend, but more like a sister to me.’

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