Guernsey Press

Song has helped heal Emily’s sexual assault experience

LOCAL singer Emily Fern has released a song that she says helped her take back the power after being sexually assaulted.

A scene from the video for Emily Fern’s song Restart, made locally by Apocalypse Studios.

The song, titled Restart, was released on 15 August and centres around an experience Miss Fern, 20, went through last year.

‘It’s a song I think a lot of people sadly can relate to,’ she said.

‘When writing this song, I found great comfort.

‘The first moment pen hit paper I felt strong, powerful and like I finally took back control of a situation that I never thought I would ever be able to take control of.

‘I felt like I was telling a sincere story and finally almost letting go of all the hurt.’

She said she has not healed completely, but that this song was a step in the right direction for her.

‘My healing process really did begin from the moment my fingers touched the keys and I hope other people can find comfort in it the way I have.’

Miss Fern has always known she wanted to be a performer and now works full time as a singer-songwriter on the island.

She started performing publicly a few years ago and now sings at restaurants and weddings.

Miss Fern said putting the song out to the public had been the most difficult part.

‘It definitely isn’t easy putting this song out there for everyone to hear – it’s personal, it’s raw but most of all, it’s honest.’

But she said she wanted to help those who had been through similar experiences understand that they are not alone.

‘If it helps at least one person, then my work here is done,’ she said.

She said she has received a really good response from the song so far and that it has also helped her.

‘Since putting the song out there, it has made it easier to talk about.’

The song even sparked conversations with family members whom she had not previously told about her experience.

There was also a music video released with the song, filmed at Apocalypse Studios by Mikey Ferbrache.

n The song is now on all platforms and can be found at