Guernsey Press

Postie Tyler in ‘Buzzcut for Bulstrode’

A POSTAL worker is set to have her curls shaved off in a bid to raise money for those with cancer and their families in the Bailiwick.

Tyler Ferbrache, a postie at Guernsey Post, is raising money for cancer patients by having her hair shaved off for Bulstrode Oncology Unit on Friday. (Picture by Sophie Rabey, 31168895)

Tyler Ferbrache, 26, had someone close to her recently diagnosed with cancer and when she went up to Bulstrode Oncology Unit, she was amazed at how helpful all the staff were.

‘The unit was just full of such great people who were so nice and caring, and worked so hard, and I wanted to help.

‘Cancer is one of those things that you think will never affect you but if you look at the statistics, one in two people will develop some form of cancer at some point in their life.’

Once the person close to her started to lose some hair, Tyler decided to do the fundraiser.

‘I always thought I’d do it at some point for charity, and this helped me decide to do it now while I still have lots of hair.’

Mrs Ferbrache is a postal delivery worker and decided to hold the fundraiser at Envoy House, the main post office on the island, where other colleagues have said they will join the 26-year-old in getting their head shaved.

‘I wanted to do it at work because I know a lot of people there have had close friends and family affected by cancer and we’re such a close community so I know how much they will support me.

‘Everyone’s been so encouraging and they know how much I love my hair.’

Mrs Ferbrache has decided to put her hair into multiple small ponytails and sell them off in a raffle to co-workers to cut them off.

‘I managed to put my hair into 17 smaller ponytails the other day, so I’m selling them all to be cut off.

'I’m really grateful to all the support I’m getting from everyone.’

All money raised will be donated to the Guernsey Society for Cancer Relief which works with the Bulstrode Oncology Unit, helping financially to assist patients with matters such as travel and accommodation costs if going to Southampton for treatment.

But Guernsey Society for Cancer Relief is not the only charity Tyler is helping.

All her hair will be donated to the Little Princess Trust, which is a charity that makes wigs for children suffering from hair loss from hair that has been donated.

‘I didn’t want to waste the hair so decided to donate it to them [Little Princess Trust].

'I know wigs can give people who have suffered from hair loss a bit of confidence and a sense of normality, and if I can contribute to that then that would be amazing.’

The buzzcut will be taking place at 8.30am this Friday, and will be live streamed.

n More information can be found on the ‘Buzzcut for Bulstrode’ just giving page. Mrs Ferbrache was hoping to raise £3,000.