Guernsey Press

Volunteers still needed for Sunday’s Vale Earth Fair

THIS Sunday’s Vale Earth Fair is set to be sold out this year, and is looking for volunteers to help with the event.

(Picture by Martin Sarre)

Earth Fair team member Holly Lindsay said her decision to volunteer at the Vale Earth Fair as a teenager has a positive impact on her life.

‘I went along as a little kid with my mum most years for an hour or two in the day.

‘My mum’s always been a big supporter and advocate of helping others,’ she said.

Because of this attitude from her mother, Holly started volunteering at the fair when she was a teenager.

‘Over the years I have had friends or work colleagues take part and some only help out once.

‘Others are regular helpers, and some end up getting involved in the long term.

‘Myself and many others really enjoy being part of something bigger which is such a big part of island life and an important date on the calendar over here.

‘Most people have stories and memories of past Earth Fairs and so a lot of them want to not only give back, but to ensure it carries on.’

After being a volunteer for several years, Miss Lindsay wanted to become more involved in the event and joined the team.

She said that although it may seem daunting at first for young volunteers, there are ways to feel more at ease.

‘I know this can be a bit scary so I would recommend teenagers who want to get involved to find a friend to do a shift with, or to get a parent to join them.

‘It can be a great way to feel part of the team and get to know people, especially if you want to explore the stalls and the six music stages.

‘We also have a lot of events throughout the rest of the year for which we appreciate having extra hands and ideas.’

The team at Vale Earth Fair want everyone to feel included and considered in the event, said Miss Lindsay.

‘We would also like to ask everyone who comes up on the day to make an eco-promise – a commitment to all of our futures.

We will have a stall with ideas for how each individual can make the most effective changes to impact our environment, and we ask everyone to share their suggestions in a collaborative space. Together we can make a difference – that is the whole ethos of the Vale Earth Fair.’

The event is taking place at Vale Castle on Sunday.

Volunteers on the day receive free entry.

n Anyone interested in volunteering for the Vale Earth Fair can email