Information sought after possible whale sighting
ISLANDERS are being asked for help after a possible whale sighting.

It was made by a person on a flight between Guernsey and Alderney between 5 and 6pm on Tuesday.
Dolfin project co-ordinator Nicky Harris said the plane had not been at a great altitude, so the traveller had a very clear view of the creature.
‘The description I have is that there were two quite lengthy individuals, who were dark grey and of a similar size,’ she said.
‘They had been surfacing and blowing before diving back down. The sighter thinks they were about 40ft, but it is hard to tell size from the air.’
She said the sighter was confident they were too big to be dolphins and also noted there was a yacht in the area, whose crew might have seen them.
Whales are not often seen in Channel Island waters, though in the past pilot whales and even humpbacks have been spotted locally.
Ms Harris said she believed the animals seen this week were likely minke whales.
‘We don’t get them very often – maybe a couple of times a year – so this is very exciting,’ she said. ‘We hoping someone will give more information.’
Minkes are the UK’s smallest whales, growing up to 9m long, and are often seen alone or in small groups. It is also possible the animal could be a fin whale, but Ms Harris said this was less likely.
‘I am sceptical,’ she said. ‘They are 75ft, so really big. I think a minke is much more likely, but you never know.’
n Anyone who might have spotted the mammals is urged to email