Guernsey Press

‘It was always likely Grow would meet our challenge’

GROW Ltd patrons Guy and Julia Hands, who proposed the fundraising challenge which helped the charity to reach its fundraising target, have spoken of their delight that Grow has achieved its goal.

Patrons Guy and Julia Hands raise a glass to celebrate Grow reaching the £375,000 fundraising target they had set.

They put forward the idea that if Grow raised £375,000 in less than two months then they would pledge the remaining £125,000 to complete the fundraising for the £3m. redevelopment of the Coutanchez site.

‘There was always a small concern that they wouldn’t complete the challenge, but there is so much awareness of everything Grow achieves that we knew it was very likely they’d make it,’ said Mrs Hands yesterday. 'We are absolutely thrilled that the full £3m.has now been raised.’

Mr and Mrs Hands, who have had a presence in the island for more than a decade, had no previous connections with the charity, but saw the outcomes and rewards it reaped, and recognised the need for such a charity in the island.

They became patrons in April last year, as the fundraising project was fully launched.

‘Grow didn’t have much of a choice, the previous facilities were not fit for purpose and so it was either they close or find a new way forward,’ said Mrs Hands, who runs the successful Hand Picked Hotels chain.

‘We’d seen plans and diagrams during the process, but when we visited the site it exceeded all of my expectations.’

She added that she was delighted to see the accessibility on arrival and departure of the site and the greater opportunities that it will provide for islanders with disabilities.

Mr and Mrs Hands intend on staying involved with the charity.

‘The fundraiser challenge is done but there will always be work to do and we’d love to see where Grow goes from here and its steps going forward,’ said Mrs Hands.

She said that she hopes to see more opportunities to gain City and Guild qualifications at Grow and how it will work to incorporate other like-minded charities.

Grow chairman Mark Dunster paid tribute to the generosity and involvement of its patrons.

‘Guy and Julia have been tremendous supporters. From the start they have kept up to date with progress.

‘There is no doubt that their involvement has given others the confidence to join them in supporting the fundraising appeal.’