Taxi sector is ‘not fit for purpose’ claims review
‘RADICAL change’ is needed in Guernsey’s taxi sector, an independent research report carried out for the States has said.

A 200-page report from TAS Partnership was presented to the Environment & Infrastructure Committee at the end of last week and the committee met taxi drivers over the weekend to present the findings.
The report said that the current taxi and private hire car sector ‘as it currently stands is not fit for purpose’.
After extensive consultation with the trade and with customers, the report found that the service:
n fails to provide a decent service that meets passenger needs;
n is only ‘marginally sustainable’ for many drivers; and
n was damaging the business and tourism economy.
The regulatory framework currently imposed by the States is blocking improvements and the States is unable to make the changes needed at present.
The sector is dominated by owner-drivers who choose when to work, taxi infrastructure is generally poor, and what information there is, particularly for visitors, is outdated and limited.
The report calls for ‘a completely new approach’ – one which opens up the market to capacity growth, investment, innovation and a much more flexible labour supply, and makes it easier to book and get a taxi on time.
‘This review does not pull any punches and I’m grateful to the authors and all those who contributed for that,’ said E&I committee president Deputy Lindsay de Sausmarez.
‘We wanted a “warts and all” review so we could make real improvements.
‘It shows the challenges are many, and the changes can’t focus on just one area if they are to make a difference.
‘There’s no “silver bullet” and we need to address this in the round.’
More in page 5
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