Struggle for entries puts show in doubt
THE Guernsey Kennel Club’s Autumn Open Show went ahead, though the future of such events is in doubt.

Club vice-president and registrar Lynn Ozanne said the number of entries – in the 50s – was distressingly low.
‘This one has clashed with a championship show in the UK but, more importantly, we have nobody here from Jersey,’ she said.
Condor sailings were such that Jersey people would have to stay for a week and you cannot take dogs on a plane.

‘We have to rent the hall at Beau Sejour and we already lose money,’ she said. ‘The less entries we have the more we lose and the financial viability going forward is in doubt.’
The club was founded in 1901 and its shows have Crufts qualification status.
‘If these shows did not take place it means owners would have to take their dogs to the UK to qualify, which would greatly increase the cost,’ said Mrs Ozanne.
The situation was similarly bleak in Jersey. The ‘golden days’ saw entries approaching 200.
Samantha Browning, 11, won the junior handling six to 11 age group with Buddy – a six-year old Shih-tzu belonging to Natalie de la Cour.
She has been dog training for about six months. ‘I was really nervous, but there were only two of us in the class,’ she said. ‘It was luck really as the other person has been dog training for about as long as me.’

That was Tahlia Rault, 10. She competed with Merlot, a Tibetan terrier belonging to Paige Le Moignan.
‘I’ve shown dogs a few times and it’s really fun,’ said Tahlia. ‘It went well and I think Merlot and I make a good team.’
Tahlia’s sister, Porscha, 16, has been showing dogs for about 11 years. She won the junior handler 12 to 16 age group with her own dog, Mickey, a Shih-tzu aged two-and-a-half.
Porscha, who works at Creature Comforts pet shop, said it would be her last time competing in the class because of age and she would now turn her attention to UK shows where competition was greater.