Book a spot for walking festival, says tour guide
KEEN walkers are being asked to book their spots on the Autumn Walking Festival tours, rather than just turning up on the day.

All walks begin close to a bus stop and parking area, with coastal rambles and guided tours around hidden trails available, ranging in difficulty.
The festival started on Saturday and walks are scheduled every day from then until Sunday 2 October, including routes in Herm and Sark.
But Andy Walker said the option to turn up without booking makes tour planning more difficult for guides.
He was due to lead a coastal tour around Pleinmont on Saturday for the first day of the festival, but despite having no bookings he still decided to head out there and see if anyone turned up.
‘It is nice for people to book because then you can organise backstops, which in some places is really helpful for safety.’
There was also a Potato Peel Pie tour taking place that day, which Mr Walker said was believed to have no bookings either. After waiting about half an hour, Mr Walker decided to go home.
‘With the coastal walks we can get anywhere between zero and 11 people coming along. I think a lot of people wait for the weather. Some people book way in advance then wait to see how the weather looks on the day,’ said Mr Walker.
He has been leading tours for almost 10 years and hoped more people would decide to book to find out more about the island’s history.
‘Half the fun is doing the research. As a tour guide you get to the point you can’t look at anything without questioning it.’
There are 50 walks scheduled for the festival.
While last year most walkers were locals, tourists are once again attracted to the tours now that travel restrictions have lifted post-Covid.
n The festival runs until 2 October. A full list of the walks and contact details for guides can be found at