Guernsey Press

Islanders invited to feature in artist’s painting

OIL painter Tony Parsons is inviting Guernsey residents to feature in a large landscape painting at Havelet during his upcoming trip to the island.

Artist Tony Parsons was over from the UK to paint landscapes of Guernsey in May. He is pictured here having just started a painting of Fermain Bay. (Picture by Peter Frankland, 31277003)

He is returning to Guernsey in October for his pop-up exhibition at the Fermain Valley Hotel, where the new canvas featuring islanders will be on display.

‘I will be painting anyone into the scene who fancies being immortalised in paint,’ he said.

‘Come for a walk on the beach, wear something colourful or do something unusual if you would like to stand out in the painting.’

Mr Parsons paints very quickly, and as long as it is not too windy, will be bringing a large enough canvas to fit in everyone who wants to be featured – they will just have to say hello to him first.

The artist took a trip to Guernsey from his Sussex home back in May, and visited many of the island’s coastal highlights to paint on location. Those paintings will also be featured at his pop-up show.

He had already decided during this last trip that he would return to the island to put on an exhibition.

Mr Parsons will be setting up his easel on the beach at Havelet Bay by the Octopus Restaurant slipway on Wednesday 5 October at 10am for anyone who wishes to get involved.

n The exhibition will be open to the public on Friday 7 October, 10am until 5pm.