Guernsey Press

Trio smash their 188km charity swim deadline

THREE local swimmers who challenged themselves to each swim 188km around Guernsey have completed their quest ahead of their deadline.

John Lewis, left, Alan Ellis and Nick Wild, right, each swam 188km around Guernsey, and to Sark a few weeks ago, well inside their deadline and raising £15,000 for Business Beats Cancer. (31271463)

Alan Ellis, John Lewis and Nick Wild are retired and have the combined age of 188. They have been pursuing the challenge since the start of April, with the goal of completing it by the end of the month.

‘Our target was to swim 188km before the end of September and we completed the challenge with a swim to Sark in two hours 50 minutes,’ said Mr Wild.

‘When we reached Sark it had built to a three-metre swell running up against the cliff face where we needed to finish the swim.

‘The guard boat crews were brilliant as they got us in the best possible position and stood by close at hand while we swam in the last 200m. It was like being in a washing machine.’

The trio took on the challenge with the goal of raising £10,000 for Business Beats Cancer – and the fundraising total currently stands at £15,000.

They racked up 103 hours in the sea over the 132 days of the summer season, each swimming more than their 188km goal, and were grateful for the glorious weather.

‘We had to factor in the wind direction and so spent a lot of time on the south coast, but the highlight was definitely the swim to Sark, as it is something I’ve always wanted to do,’ said Mr Wild.

‘It really was the icing on the cake for me.’

They have no current plans for future challenges, but are still swimming often.

The group were faced with unmatched support from both family and friends, as well as lead sponsor Rocq Capital, which helped in monitoring the team on guard boats, alongside skippers and course management team Mark Thompson, Ben Blackhouse and Jon Chandler.

‘We’ve had fantastic support from some great people and the fundraising efforts have just been amazing from everyone,’ said Mr Wild.

Donations are still being accepted for the group’s fundraising cause.

n Donations can be made at