Castel residents asked for ideas how to improve coast
PARISHIONERS are being asked for their ideas for how to improve Castel’s coastline.

The douzaine initiative aims to establish a 10-year vision for the area, which includes Vazon and Cobo.
Sub-group of douzeniers consisting of Jo May, David Chester and Richard Graham, are leading the plan.
Mr Graham said they were keen to get ideas and suggestions for how to make things better.
The idea was spurred on by the settlement of the long-running Cobo car park dispute.
Having seen how that was improved, it got the douzaine thinking about what else could be done.
Mr Graham said the coastline from Richmond to Port Soif was a jewel in the parish’s crown. But they knew there were ways to could improve it and problems to solve.
‘The parish douzaine is determined to do all it can to preserve our natural and man-made coastal environment while enhancing the opportunities for the community to access and enjoy it,’ he said.
‘The douzaine is also clear in its view that the twin objectives of protection and enhancement must avoid any temptation to manicure or over-regulate our coastal assets.
‘With that in mind, and conscious of certain recent developments, the douzaine considers that now is an appropriate time to establish a 10-year vision for our parish coastline.’
He said that at this stage it was very much about coming up with ideas rather than making firm plans and it was important that parishioners were a part of that.
One example of an area that could be improved if the north Vazon promenade, which stretches from the lower Fort Hommet car park to Vistas.
‘It would be nice to explore the possibility of extending it and making it more easily accessible,’ he said.
‘Currently it comes to an end in a car park with pebbles.’
Mr Graham said the parish felt it was important to do the scheme in a coherent and holistic way, rather than it be piece-meal and haphazard.
This parish initiative has been encouraged by Environment & Infrastructure president Lindsay De Sausmarez, whose committee is responsible for managing most of the coastline on behalf of the States of Guernsey as owners. States Heritage Services has also been kept informed, as well as other stakeholders such as business and clubs that operate in the area.
The douzaine is welcoming any comments or suggestions.
They may be made in writing to the parish douzaine room in Les Beaucamps or by email to:
All contributions will be treated as made in confidence.
n An open morning will be held at the Douzaine Rooms on Saturday 1 October from 10am to enable interested parties to contribute their views in person.
Once the vision has sufficient detail, it is intended to go out to wider consultation within the parish.
Comments and suggestions of key stakeholders should be submitted by the end of September.