Guernsey Press

Playground-design pupils will never use it fully

A PUPIL-DESIGNED playground has been unveiled at Melrose Junior School.

Acting Melrose head teacher Rosie de la Fosse, left, and Ladies’ College principal Daniele Harford-Fox watch as former Melrose pupils who designed the playground but left before it could be built finally get a chance to go on the equipment. Left to right, India Donnelly, Lexi Fletcher, Clementine Gittins and Coco Holden are joined by PTA chairman Nicholas Blakeley. (Picture by Luke Le Prevost, 31288822)

But sadly the pupils involved will not have a chance to use it as they have moved on from the school.

School council members were involved with the design process. But Covid delays put construction back two years, by which time most of them had moved on to The Ladies’ College.

One of those involved originally was 11-year-old school council member Lexi Fletcher.

‘It was delayed due to Covid so we’ve missed using it, but I don’t feel too bad, as every time we walk by we watch everyone enjoying it,’ she said.

Her council colleague, 12-year-old India Donnelly, explained how she had been involved. ‘The school council choose four or five designs and then we took them to the whole school to be voted on.’

Committee member Clementine Gittins, 11, added: ‘Everyone got a choice and everyone voted. I’m so happy with the way it turned out, it looks amazing.’

PHSE co-ordinator Lian Donnelly helped coordinate the voting.

‘It was a completely democratic process,’ she said.

‘All the classes voted on the final design, from the four-year-olds right up to the 11-year-olds. The climbing wall was what everyone wanted, but it’s the fireman’s pole that’s been the most popular. It’s been great for the girls’ creative play, they have used it in ways we couldn’t have imagined.’

The playground, which cost just over £30,000, was part-funded by the PTA.

‘The school put up half the funds and we raised the other part, through fetes, raffles and some school sleepovers,’ said chairman Nicholas Blakeley.

The Ladies' College principal Daniele Harford-Fox was impressed with the pupils' final choice. ‘I love it – it’s given the children’s play a sprinkle of chaotic joy.’