More than 900 volunteer for 2023 Island Games
MORE than 900 people have been approved as Natwest International Island Games volunteers, after two successful registration sessions.

While registration has now shut, people with specialist skills are still needed.
In total, 845 people attended recent registration sessions at Beau Sejour, bringing the overall number of approved volunteers to 944.
Two further registration events will take place on the evenings of Wednesday 9 November and Tuesday 15 November at Specsavers.
A final registration day will happen sometime during December.
Fast-track lanes will be in place for technical officials, such as umpires and timekeepers, who already undertake regular roles in local sport.
Volunteering manager Kristin Dowling was one of the main organisers of the recent registration days.
She said she was happy that the meticulous planning was paying off.
‘The increase in the number of sign-ups in the last couple of weeks of September was remarkable, and the surge shows the strength of community spirit here and the huge interest in the games,’ she said.
‘At the registration sessions it was really encouraging to see the excitement of all the volunteers and we were hugely impressed with what they had to offer, they represent a very diverse range of talents and abilities.
‘For example, some volunteers indicated that they were prepared to lead teams, some want to be the smiling face that welcomes at the ports, and others want to move equipment, or stuff goody bags. They all showed us their commitment to the games and we are truly thankful for this.’
Applications to become a volunteer closed at the end of last month, but exceptions will be made for people with specific skills and qualifications, such as the holders of minibus driver licences.
In general, to become an approved volunteer, people must have signed up online before the end of September, and they must have attended a registration session where their ID is checked.
Emails will be sent out inviting around 300 Guernsey residents who signed up online, but have not attended a registration session, to book a slot for next month.
In total, over 1,700 people signed up to become a volunteer, but accommodation pressures mean that the focus has been on local residents.
Director of volunteering Wayne Bulpitt said that with less than 300 days to go, the milestone figure of 1,000 approved volunteers was looking achievable.
‘I will breathe a sigh of relief when we go over the 1,000 mark because that means we can deliver a brilliant event,’ he said.
‘The games is much more than just a sporting competition, it will be a celebration of everything that is great about Guernsey.’
There are lots of different volunteering positions, and all the roles should be assigned by the end of this year.
Volunteers will be doing everything from co-ordinating parking, security, feeding people, shepherding teams, welcoming at the ports, and the million other things it takes to create a memorable experience.
Volunteers have been asked to attend information sessions on 4 February, 1 April and 13 May 2023.
About 3,000 athletes and team members from 23 other islands will be descending on Guernsey from 8 to 14 July next year to compete across 14 different sports and 25 venues.