Open meeting to give facts on ‘silent bone disease’
ISLANDERS are being invited to find out more about a ‘silent bone disease’, which will affect half of women over 50.

Osteoporosis is bone-thinning condition, which will also affect one in five men over the age of 50.
To mark World Osteoporosis Day, the local osteoporosis support group’s October meeting will include a talk and live Q&A session by a senior nurse from the Royal Osteoporosis Society.
‘The purpose of the open meeting is bringing people together in a friendly and informal setting to provide reliable information and to let people know that they are not out there on their own,’ said support group treasurer Chris Elliott.
‘It’s as much about raising awareness as it is education because it can affect people of all ages.’
It is not known how many people in Guernsey are affected by osteoporosis due to the process of diagnosis, however the Guernsey Osteoporosis Support Group has more than 40 members, and hopes such events will encourage more to join.
The condition is known as ‘silent bone disease’, as sufferers may not realise they have it until after they experience a broken bone.
Following a broken bone, a DEXA scan is used to calculate bone density, typically in the hips, spine and wrists, to discover if osteoporosis is present, as these areas are particularly prone to fractures.
‘It is not painful unless you have a fracture, and there are drugs, injections and infusions that can help,’ said support group chairwoman Linda Elliott, who suffers from osteoporosis herself.
‘The osteoporosis support group meets once a month for support aspects, but we also have guest speakers, exercise demonstrations and fun activities.’
. More information on the condition can be found at
Meeting details
It is on Thursday 20 October at the Vale Douzaine Room.
Doors open at 10am, for a 10.30am start.
Admission is £1 for existing members and £5 for non-members, which includes refreshments.