Guernsey Press

Youngsters given chance to trick or treat safely in Town for Halloween

YOUNGSTERS looking to go trick or treating this Halloween are being encouraged to head to Town rather than knock on neighbours’ doors.

Pictured left to right are Jenny Le Prevost, the founder and trustee of the Smile for Georgie Foundation, Matilda Robilliard, Elijah Robilliard, Iris and Dora’s Denyse McGahy and Edna McGahy. (Picture by Sophie Rabey, 31391597)

More than 30 Town traders will remain open from 5pm – 6pm on Monday 31 October to allow children a ‘safe, free and fun’ opportunity to dress up and collect sweets.

The idea has been dreamed up by Iris and Dora Studios and the Smile for Georgie Foundation and the groups said the aim was to provide a safe alternative to children visiting strangers’ homes.

Iris and Dora owner Denyse McGahy said she had elderly relatives who get anxious at Halloween since they do not like having someone knocking on their door late in the evening.

‘I also have a young child and I just don’t want her knocking on strangers’ doors either,’ she said.

‘This seems like the perfect alternative and imagine the atmosphere in Town with all the kids dressed up, it’s going to be amazing.’

Jenny Le Prevost, one of the trustees of the Smile for Georgie Foundation, said when Mrs McGahy approached it for help the charity saw it as a great opportunity to bring smiles to the faces of many island children.

‘We are supplying all of the sweet treats for the event and doing so really fits in well with our aims,’ she said.

‘We are also very grateful to all the Town traders who have agreed to donate their time and stay open for this event.’

The foundation was established in January 2018 with the aim of making a difference in the community through small acts of kindness.

n Further information and a map of participating traders can be found online at