Guernsey Press

Planning permission granted for new £2m. wildlife hospital

PLANS for a £2m. wildlife hospital on the GSPCA site have been approved and the charity is now calling on islanders to help it raise the rest of the funds.

A computer-generated image of what the hospital will look like.

So far it has raised £300,000 and is once again suggesting people might like to buy a brick in the new building, or make a direct donation.

The charity sees more than 2,500 wild creatures every year and the new hospital would help benefit future generations, it said.

Large donors or companies could become an exclusive build partner by making a bigger donation or sponsor a room or area.

The build will see the demolition of old buildings, some of which date back to the 1940s.

GSPCA manager Steve Byrne with one of the hedgehogs currently in its care in front of the area where its new wildlife hospital will be built. Some of the buildings which will be knocked down to make way for it date back to the 1940s. Picture by Sophie Rabey, 31398490)

GSPCA manager Steve Byrne was delighted that planning permission had been given.

‘A new wildlife hospital is well overdue not only for us here at the GSPCA but for the whole of the Channel Islands,’ he said.

‘We often have wildlife from Alderney, Sark, Herm and even Jethou.’

Among the animals helped in recent years have been a loggerhead turtle, a dolphin, a puffin, many oiled birds, seals and more than 700 hedgehogs a year. There are currently two seals being cared for on the site.

The charity celebrates its 150th anniversary next year and Mr Byrne said it would be ‘fantastic’ if the hospital could be opened then.

‘We are really hoping to start work on the much-needed facility as soon as we can and cannot achieve this without the amazing support of our fabulous community.’

He thanked DLM Architects for their help on the project and those who have supported it so far.

With planning approval given, the next step will be for the GSPCA to go out to tender for the work.

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